About Me

Who I am

Hello! I am the founder of GirlFight.org. Our purpose is to advocate for Women’s rights and champion change by highlighting the world as seen through our eyes. Our mission is to be the voice of the silent and we will do so by providing an inclusive, safe place for Women to tell their stories of survival. It’s time for us to live in our truths – to move from the terrified to the terrifying.



  1. the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

Hope for a better future…

I am honored that you have taken the time to visit GirlFight and hope you stay awhile. Share your stories, visit our store and join the GirlFight tribe.

First things first, I DO NOT HATE MEN! I am not a misandrist, I am a feminist! At its core, feminism is the fight for equality but anti feminist propaganda has lead many to believe misandry and feminism are one and the same. They are not!

If you are a man visiting my page, welcome. Please understand this is a space by and for women so the majority of posts, resources and items available for purchase will be female focused. I will be discussing double standards, sexism, violence against women, how the patriarchy harms women AND men, rape culture etc. Please do not use this platform, or the Social Media channels associated with this platform, to voice your concern on men’s issues or use them as a response to a topic of discussion. Create a space for those issues. Keep an open mind, engage to understand, not just to respond and leave your ego at the door.

Throughout history women have been viewed as subservient, second class citizens. Nothing more than an outlet for male pleasure and violence, and breeding machines to provide them with sons. Women have made great strides in the fight for equality and basic human decency, and I am eternally grateful for every woman who fought before me, but we still have a long way to go.

In 2024, Women still earn about 84 cents for every dollar a man earns for the same job on average in the US. The gap was the same 20 years ago. A study published in Academic Emergency Medicine found that women who went to the emergency room with severe stomach pain had to wait for almost 33% longer than men with the same symptoms.

Business women are often called “abrasive” and “bossy” in performance reviews while their male counterparts are praised for being “aggressive”. Boys and men are rewarded and praised for heterosexual sexual contacts, whereas girls and women are derogated and stigmatized for similar behaviors. It’s easy for men to get vasectomies, but women are often denied tubal ligations. Men are disproportionately praised for taking care of their children, whereas women are expected to be caregivers. There is not a SINGLE law that regulates what a man can or cannot do to his body, but there certainly are for women.

These are just a few examples of inequality we will address and discuss in this space, but we will also be discussing our toxic behaviors ladies. Accountability is a must and if we demand it from men we must also demand it of ourselves. We have to address why we judge each other and ourselves so harshly, why we guilt working AND stay at home mothers, “slut” shame and belittle each other based on outward appearance etc. We subconsciously support the patriarchy with these behaviors and we have to do better.

Research shows spending time with female friends helps reduce stress levels, provides a valuable social support system, and play a vital role in personal growth and empowerment. Female friendships can also help boost emotional well-being. Please use this space to locate like minded women in your area to develop friendships with. Put yourselves out there, build your villages, lean on each other.

You are not a victim for sharing your story. You are a survivor setting the world on fire with your truth. And you never know who needs your light, your warmth and raging courage.

~ Alex Elle