Boys Will Be Boys: Power, Patriarchy and Toxic Masculinity Paperback


Boys Will Be Boys answers the question Clementine Ford is most often asked: ‘How do I raise my son to respect women?’

With equal parts passion and humour, Ford reveals how patriarchal society is as destructive for men as it is for women, creating a dangerously limited idea of what it is to be a man. She traces the way gender norms creep into the home from early childhood, through popular culture or the division of housework and shines a light on what needs to change for equality to become a reality.


Boys Will Be Boys answers the question Clementine Ford is most often asked: ‘How do I raise my son to respect women?’

With equal parts passion and humour, Ford reveals how patriarchal society is as destructive for men as it is for women, creating a dangerously limited idea of what it is to be a man. She traces the way gender norms creep into the home from early childhood, through popular culture or the division of housework and shines a light on what needs to change for equality to become a reality.


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